Greetings from Savannah, GA, Church of the Open Door family! I am very pleased and happy to find that the William J. Faulkner Oratorical Contest is still thriving and keeping Reverend Wm. J. Faulkner's name, words (Days . . .) and "Mom Marie's" and Friends of Folklore vision alive! Awesome! May I be blessed to pay a visit there in October. To God be the Glory! Wonderful youth activities work!
Greetings from Savannah, GA, Church of the Open Door family! I am very pleased and happy to find that the William J. Faulkner Oratorical Contest is still thriving and keeping Reverend Wm. J. Faulkner's name, words (Days . . .) and "Mom Marie's" and Friends of Folklore vision alive! Awesome! May I be blessed to pay a visit there in October. To God be the Glory! Wonderful youth activities work!